Blog Post Reflection – Digital Empowerment


Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

1: One benefit of computing is that it could lead to a higher productivity as some actions are quicker and easier on a computer.

1a: But the harmful effect from this is that it could lead to people not working as hard as they could just rely on computing.

2: Another benefit is that people could communicate easily through technology.

2a: downside to this is that people might spend less time talking one on one.

3: One last benefit is that people could access information easily through computing.

3a: A downside is that it is easier to spread false information through the internet.

Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?

It is a proven fact that dopamine is real, it is what gives you some emotions, specifically the emotion that makes you happy. I think that parents are not lying, just over exaggerating. Too much of anything is bad, including coding. Staring at a screen for too long has detrimental effects, including eye strain and headaches. Finally, dopamine has actually had a big effect on my studies and successes. I like to swim, but that does not really count as you need to stay in shape to stay healthy. But I also like watching tv shows and working on my car, both of which take up a lot of my time. These hours that I could be studying are used on watching shows or adding a spoiler to my car, it is a waste and yet I still do it. Why? Because I enjoy it, and you need a balance in your life between what is necessary, and what you enjoy.


How does someone empower themself in a digital world?

Someone can empower themselves by spreading their message throughout the internet. Using social media to spread their words, in a safe and healthy manner of course. They can also create new websites or apps that help to empower themselves. It is way easier to empower yourself on theinternet rather than in the real world. This is because people can easily communicate through the internet, which would lead to more people seeing you, and in turn, empowering you.

How does someone that is empowered help someone that is not empowered? Describe something you could do at Del Norte HS.

There are many people that are not empowered, but there is a solution to this problem. By giving those who are not empowered a platform to speak on (from someone who is empowered) would allow us as a society to share multiple perspectives and grow together as a society. I could achieve this at Del Norte by using my social media accounts to spread information, as well as speaking out within the multitude of clubs that I am a part of.

Is paper or red tape blocking digital empowerment? Are there such barriers at Del Norte? Elsewhere?

Yes, I think that we should stop blocking websites. I believe that we should be able to use any website at Del Norte, as we are supposed to be in a country of freedom, not censorship. For example, blocking websites such as Chat CPT is not going to help. There are VPN’s, or hot-spots that people could use to get past the barriers. These new inventions are here to stay, such as pens, paper, and calculators. Eventually it will become normal, so why not embrace the change.