My Score 47/50

I think that I actually did pretty well on this test, but the mistakes that I made were not because of me not thinking, but be cause I did not know the answer. This means that I need to study more to prevent me from making those same mistakes on the actual collegeboard exam.

Question 24

The function repeats why 3 times meaning it is basically adding y 3 times so 3y therefore the correct answer is B. I thought that each time it was just adding 1 and repeating so I got the wrong answer.

Question 30

I misread the function which shifted my answer. This was a question that I could have gotten right, but I did not put enough effort into my answer.

Question 50

Hexadecimal would shift it by 16 not ten so it would end up at V. I thought that it just repeats so after the number for Z it would just go back to A.