
I got a 47/50 on the Collegeboard exam after collaborating with my groupmates from last trimester. I was able to learn a lot about the structures of data and the importance of privacy. My group was able to help me on many questions which was the main reason why I got a 47. Steven was able to explain the importance of cookies and what phishing schemes were, a word that I did not even know existed.

But I still made some mistakes, and here they are.

Question 28

This was just a stupid mistake, I thought that it was only a one answer question and only selected one answer. There were actually 2 answers that I could have selected, those being C (which I chose) and A. Some practice that I could do is completing more practice tests so that I do not speed through. If I am able to become more comfortable with the time, I would not make stupid mistakes like this.

Question 29

I did not understand the code presented by collegeboard well and did not know that A would be set to false. Knowing this, we can see that the correct answer would be B as A would now be false instead of true. To prevent this error in the future, I should learn more about collegeboards pseudo type code.

Question 50

I was not thinking and just chose the option that had the smallest final values. i did not realize the exponential growth by B, knowing this, the obvious answer is A and D instead of B and D. To prevent this mistake in the future I should think more. Logically, I chose the answers with the smallest final values, but if I thought more I might have been able to realize that the growth was exponential for A.

What I learned

I learned the importance of checking my work. These questions could have easily been correct if I just read them properly. I also need to work more on understanding the weird arrows that collegeboard uses so that I do not make any stupid mistakes when taking the actual AP test. Throughout this trimester I think that I have learned more about how data was stored, I used to think that it was somehow just sent to a database and could be grabbed easily. But now I know more about API’s and how they function which affect me now as I am able to understand more questions from collegeboard.

  • What to work on

    • Skill 4.B: Determine the result of code segments.

    • Skill 1.D: Evaluate solution options.