My Score + Reflection

I got a 24/25 which I am actually pretty proud of. Overall I have seen an upward trend in the score that I have. But there are still many things that I can do to help guarantee a perfect score when I take the AP test.

Question 17:

I only missed one question on the test, that question was number 17.

Here is the question and my answer:

This question was a skill from 5.B asking about what could be extracted with the information given. I chose C which stated “The most expensive item purchased on a given date can be determined by searching the data for all items purchased on the given date and then sorting the matching items by item price”. I chose option C because I thought that you could sort through all of the items at checkout to find the highest priced item.

Overall Learning Opportunities

Al though my score was very good, it took me a long time to complete. THis is a problem because if the same thing happens during the AP exam, I might run out of time. So to remedy this I am going to try to watch more AP classroom videos as to better understand the types of questions that are shown. This will allow me to better understand questions in the moment which should decrease the amount of time it takes me to answer each question. Plus, it will also help to prevent any wrong answers in the future.