My Score + Reflection

I got a 61/66 on this test which I think is pretty good. I think that what I should focus more on now is managing my time. It took me the whole class period as well as some time at home to complete this so I should work on shortening that so that I can ensure an adequate amount of time for the actual test.


Question 14

I got this question wrong. It was a question asking about the outputs of two different values. I thought that since the display came first on program A, it would result in more values being printed before i > 10. But because program b adds first before it checks for the new i value, they will still have the same amount of values printed, just the values would be off by 1 so the correct answer is C.

Question 26

This question was about moving a robot to the grey square. I thought that C was the correct answer as I thought the robot would move forward until it couldn’t, then rotate right and everything would work. But I forgot to take into account that towards the end it could move straight when it should turn right. TO combat this I should have chosen choice A where we first check if the robot can rotate right before we make it move forward.

Question 30

I thought that since there were 4 genre lists that we would have to run the analysis four times, But if forgot to take into account the Analysis at the beginning of the segment where we ran it within science fiction, so the correct answer would be 5 hours which would match up with answer D.

Question 32

I made a stupid mistake here, I thought an X meant no and a “o” meant yes, it was the other way around.

Question 55

Another mistake by me, I thought that we were trying to fix the code to make it produce true when the user typed “y” the correct answer is obviously D as the user cannot type both yes and y.

Overall Learning Opportunities

Al though my score was very good, it took me a long time to complete. THis is a problem because if the same thing happens during the AP exam, I might run out of time. So to remedy this I am going to try to watch more AP classroom videos as to better understand the types of questions that are shown. This will allow me to better understand questions in the moment which should decrease the amount of time it takes me to answer each question. Plus, it will also help to prevent any wrong answers in the future.