My Score + Reflection

I got a 59/67 which is not as good as I would have liked, I thought I did better but I think that it is because I sort of rushed this test.

Question 15:

I thought that since the second program had an or equal to, but I forgot to realize that the update for the i value happened at different times.

Question 16:

I thought that you would change the index value after the if statement, but no matter what you must update the index value so it should be between 7 and 8.

Question 35:

You cannot assume the next line of code, all we know is that the maximum value is printed, so therefore the answer is B and not C.

Question 47:

I remember answering this as C, I think I mis-clicked this one.

Question 49:

I AM SO BAD AT MATH. I thought 2^8 was 128 for some reason.

Question 50:

I thought that squaring a large number would make i unreasonable, but since we can calculate the time, I guess it is reasonable.

Question 62:

I did not see the part about choosing two answers, A is an obvious answer.

Question 65:

Again I did not know you had to chose two answers, I could have gotten a 63/67 if I just payed more attention.

Overall Learning Opportunities

Al though my score was very good, it took me a long time to complete. THis is a problem because if the same thing happens during the AP exam, I might run out of time. So to remedy this I am going to try to watch more AP classroom videos as to better understand the types of questions that are shown. This will allow me to better understand questions in the moment which should decrease the amount of time it takes me to answer each question. Plus, it will also help to prevent any wrong answers in the future.