My Score + Reflection

I got a 66/70 which iI am actually really proud of, I completed this in one sitting, in a timed enviorment, so hopefully I can replicate this on test day.

Question 14:

It will fix the swapped true and false values so C.

Question 25:

I don’t agree with this one, I think it would only show the result once cause there is no return function within the loop. L collegeboard on this one

Question 43:

Misread this one, I thought it said unintentionally UNINSTALLS, should’ve checked my answers.

Question 36:

I think collegeboard is wrong on this one not gonna lie.

Overall Learning Opportunities

I am super happy with this, everything I did worked and my studying seems to be paying off. I need to read all the questions though, I could have. gotten another one right, also, I should try to see any tricks that collegeboard uses as I did not understand their reasoning for some questions.