My Group at the Night at The Museum

This trimester had a fairly eventful Night at The Museum compared to the last trimester. Starting with us arriving at a different time than the rest of our class. One of my teammates, Liav, had to leave early to catch a flight. This meant that we had to present at the same time as Period 3. This allowed me and my group to see people and projects that we have never seen before. Items ranging from actual chess games between two computers to… food pickers? Either way we presented to multiple parents who were able to set up their own workouts, their own goals, and even post workout ideas onto a forum. All of this interested many parents and even some students.

Chess project

One project I saw from period three was a chess project. This was actually cool to me as I worked with many of the students within that group last trimester. Our final project was chess and this trimester, they built upon it to add it to a database and allow multiple people to play on different computers. I was able to recognize code that I worked on that they actually reused. This allowed me to better understand the backend part of their code and how they sent information. But there were still some shortcomings, for example each time you wanted to send the position of a piece you had to click a button instead of it automatically doing that when you moved the piece.


I learned so much more this trimester compared to last trimester. I learned about connecting the frontend to backend allowing for a database and a full stack. I also learned about the struggles of working as a team. We had to help each other daily in code and connecting our features which meant that we actually had to work as a team, something that I had not really experienced in high school until I took this class.