
What is an Algorithm

  • Sequencing: Algorithms do tasks in order
  • Selection: Helps to choose an outcome
  • Iteration: Code repeats if true
  • Algorithms can be shown in two ways.
    • In flowcharts which uses shapes and arrows
    • In Pseudocode where there is human language and coding format.

Order of Operations

  • Operations in parentheses are done first
  • Division and multiplication before addition and subtraction
  • Modules works similar to multiplication and division

Hacks 3.3

  • 1: Sequence: Sets item
  • 2: Sequence: Gets number
  • 3: Sequence, Selection: Displays if number=item
  • 4: Sequence, Iteration: Go back if there are more numbers
  • 5: Sequence: Displays result

Crossword Puzzle

  • 1 Down: Iteration
  • 2 Down: Selection
  • 3 Across: Sequence

Hack 3.4