My Feature: Workout Tracker

My individual feature of this project is a workout tracker where users can input their workouts as well as get tips on how to properly form a workout.

Progress So Far

So far I have finalized the css of my individual project, settling on the color and sizes for each button. But I still have a lot of work to do in the backend. I have created a blogpost for helping people to form a healthy workout and a button that leads to it. But I still need to work on the dropdown menus as I am struggling on making a button to delete items that have already been added. A future goal that I have for this project is to be able to integrate this into the workout calender being developed by Steven. Where each input within my individual feature would be mirrored within his calender. This would be more beneficial for our users as they would be able to better track their workouts.

Here you can see that I am trying to use event listeners within the dropdown menus.

Here you can see that for the dropdowns, I have been able to implement css within each dropdown. Using opacity also helps the user see information behind the dropdown without compromising button space.
