
Key Terms

  • Software Library: Contains procedures that can be used in the creation of new programs
  • Randomization generates a random value between any two numbers. ### 3.14
  • Existing segments of code can come from both internal and external sources.
  • The use of libraries simplifies the task of creating complex programs.
  • Documentation for a library is necessary in understanding key behaviors
  • You can import those libraries such as math. ### 3.15
  • You need to import random to allow a random number generator.
  • Randomizing will choose a random value between the specified domains.
  • There are many different commands for different imports


Hacks 3.14.1

  • Write a program that uses a library/libraries in any sort of manner.
  • Explain your work/code
  • My code will find the cosine value for a given value
import math

def cos(a):
    a = int(input())
    result = math.sqrt(a)
    return result

Hacks 3.15.1

  • Write a few lines of code that implements the import function
import random
rndm = random.randint(1,2)
if rndm == 1:
if rndm == 2:
  • Define what an import random function do
  • A random function can choose a number between two different numerical values. An example is random(1,8) will choose a random number between 1 and 8 inclusive. This helps to simplify code as writing a random number generator would use up a lot more space than "import random"
  • List a few other things that we can import other than random
  • Besides random and math, you can also import Seaborn which is useful for plotting graphs and creating tables.

Hacks 3.15.2

  • For your hacks you need to create a random number generator that will simulate this situation:
  • There is a spinner divided into eight equal parts. 3 parts of the spinner are green, two parts are blue, one part is purple, one part is red, and one part is orange. How can you simulate this situation using a random number generator.
import random
rndm = random.randint(1,8)
if 3 >= rndm:
if rndm == 4:
if rndm == 5:
if rndm == 6:
if rndm == 7:
if rndm == 8:
  • Also answer this question: What numbers can be outputted from RANDOM(12,20) and what numbers are excluded?
  • All of the possible numbers printed are al integers from 12 to 20 inclusive while anything that is not between 12 and 20 would be excluded.