Collegeboard notes
- 1.1: Collaboration
- 1.2: Program Function and Purpose
- 1.3: Program Design and Development
- 1.4: Identifying and Correcting Errors
- Metadata
1.1: Collaboration
CRD - 1.A.1: A computing innovation includes a program as a part of its function. CRD - 1.A.2: Innovation can be physical, nonphysical, or a nonphysical computing concept. CRD - 1.A.3: Collaboration leads to computing innovations which show aspects of all members strengths. CRD - 1.A.4: Collaboration needs different perspectives Collaboration allows for different perspectives Benefits of collaborating with peers: answer is B, promotes diversity and shows different perspectives as well as talents. Pair Programming: Driver types code, observer just watches, only helping when necessary. Leave comments in code to help others
1.2: Program Function and Purpose
CRD-2.A.1: Computing innovations are used to solve problems
CRD-2.A.2: Knowing the purpose for innovations can help programmers.
For example, the computing innovation of social media is to help people keep in touch.
Another example is that a digital assistant device leads to more convenient use of technology.
CRD-2.C.1: Program inputs are data sent to a computer for processing.
CRD-2.C.2: An event is associated with an action.
CRD-2.C.3: Events can be generated when a key is pressed.
CRD-2.C.4: Inputs usually affect the output.
CRD-2.C.5: Event-triggered program has events occur when triggered.
CRD-2.C.6: Input can come from user or other programs.
CRD-2.D.1: Program outputs are any data sent from a program to a device.
CRD-2.D.2: Program output is usually based on program’s prior input,
Many different forms of input from sound to clicks.
Input usually affects the output.
Action triggers event, could be initiated by the user. Jumps to the specific code segment.
CRD-2.B.1: A program is a collection of program statements.
CRD-2.B.2: Code segment is a part of a whole.
CRD-2.B.3: A program needs to work for a variety of inputs and situations.
Program is oftentimes referred to as software.
Need to read the whole thing and make sure the answer corresponds to what is necessary.
1.3: Program Design and Development
Programmers need to think about the user when creating a program.
Programmer can survey potential users.
Programmers need to do A LOT of testing
Programs usually developed by teams, with even thousands of people
Each member deserves credit
Documentation is important to keep track of progress.
Commenting is also important
Comments in python are #, comments in Java Script can be // or /* or /**
Describe purpose of code and document a lot.
1.4: Identifying and Correcting Errors
Errors are bound to happen Runtime error is an error made while the code is being run. Overflow error is when the output cannot be displayed. Important to identify the error. Logic errors are sometimes hard to discover. Try hand tracing. Try extra outputs to test errors.
Here is some proof that me and my teammates noted any changes that we made as spoken about in the video.
I learned a lot in this trimester and the test just showed me that I still have more to learn. I need to learn more about how code interacts with people daily and how everything comes together in the end.
Wrong Answers
Loop was iterated more.
String is reversed after so onno.
connect first name as first character instead.
Question 16: Messages are broken into packets and can be received in any order to be reassembled.
Question 17: Open protocols can standardize data between different devices.
Question 18: The World Wide Web is linked
Data that describes information of other data Collegeboard will start at 1 Pre processing script in the action before it goes into the website on the browser